Package-level declarations


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fun RenderVerticalIcon(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle(), icons: List<ImageVector>)

Renders a vertical icon stepper.

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fun RenderVerticalNumber(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle)

Renders a vertical numbered stepper.

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fun RenderVerticalNumberWithComposableLabel(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, textStyle: TextStyle, labelContent: @Composable () -> Unit)

Render the vertical number with composable label

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fun RenderVerticalNumberWithLabel(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, textStyle: TextStyle, labelTextStyle: TextStyle)
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fun RenderVerticalTab(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle())

Renders a vertical tab stepper.