Package-level declarations


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sealed class BaseStepperStyle

Represents the base style for a stepper component.

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Represents a horizontal stepper style.

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An Enum class for LineStyle

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data class Step(val text: String, val supportingContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

A data class for Step

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data class StepComposable(val content: @Composable () -> Unit, val supportingContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

A data class for Step

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data class StepDefaults(val todoContainerColor: Color = Color.Gray, val todoContentColor: Color = Color.DarkGray, val currentContainerColor: Color = Color.Blue, val currentContentColor: Color = Color.White, val doneContainerColor: Color = Color.Green, val doneContentColor: Color = Color.White)

A data class for StepDefaults

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An Enum class for StepState

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data class StepStyle(val colors: StepDefaults = StepDefaults.defaultColors(), val stepSize: Dp = 36.dp, val stepShape: Shape = CircleShape, val textSize: TextUnit = 16.sp, val iconSize: Dp = 24.dp, val lineThickness: Dp = 6.dp, val lineSize: Dp = 20.dp, val stepPadding: Dp = 0.dp, val lineStyle: LineStyle = LineStyle.SOLID, val showCheckMarkOnDone: Boolean = true, val showStrokeOnCurrent: Boolean = true, val strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Square)

A data class for StepStyle

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Represents a vertical stepper style.


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fun dashed(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): HorizontalStepperStyle.Dashed

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.

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fun horizontalTab(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): HorizontalStepperStyle.Tab

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.

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fun iconHorizontal(currentStep: Int, icons: List<ImageVector>, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): HorizontalStepperStyle.Icon

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.

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fun iconVertical(currentStep: Int, icons: List<ImageVector>, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): VerticalStepperStyle.Icon

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.

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fun numberedHorizontal(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): HorizontalStepperStyle.Number

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.

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fun numberedVertical(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): VerticalStepperStyle.Number

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.

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fun verticalTab(totalSteps: Int, currentStep: Int, stepStyle: StepStyle = StepStyle()): VerticalStepperStyle.Tab

Represents the style for a step in a stepper component.